Wheter it’s individuals, companies or institutions - the HOPR protocol provides full control over privacy, data and metadata.
At HOPR we're building the foundations for a more private and resilient web. Everyone should have the choice to only disclose the data they want. Working with the HOPR Protocol ensures that.
Several projects have already decided to join the HOPR ecosystem and to be at the forefront of changing data privacy for good.
The next generation starts now. Interested to join us?
CONTACT USSensitive medical data needs the highest level of privacy. Even when encrypted, metadata from sensors and health apps can expose information which must legally be kept private. HOPR makes all data and metadata indistinguishable!
Use case DetailsCurrent DeFi and other crypto services regularly expose the user’s IP address and other metadata - even if no transaction occurs. This metadata could be stored, used to link addresses and reveal real world identities.
Use case DetailsTo avoid malicious price manipulation in decentralized energy markets, buyers and energy suppliers need to ensure they're transferring the correct amount of energy for the right price. This can only be solved with a metadata-private network like HOPR.
Use case DetailsEveryone deserves comprehensive, network-level data privacy. Working with the HOPR Protocol ensures that. Join the HOPR ecosystem and help us change data privacy for good.